26 February 2023

Don't Get Entitled Fuckstick

Dear President Zelinsky;

We're not really underwriting the defense of your nation for you.

We're doing it for nations we actually care about.

Like Poland.

Russia doing their "we need to utterly control all the nations on our borders to feel safe" thing, logically extends into invading Poland.

An invasion of Poland, as per NATO rules, demands a more active response from the US than an invasion of Ukraine.

What we're doing for Ukraine is also a lot cheaper than what we'd have to do in Poland.

So, we're fighting the invasion of Poland before it happens on the cheap.

It also means that we're not spending a penny more than we think we need to spend, so getting all demanding about it will just turn the American taxpayer completely against this limited support.

Keep in mind that the American taxpayer isn't all that thrilled about this in the first place.

Being a bitch about it and going all entitled could leave you begging Putin for terms.


  1. Replies
    1. That's not Brandon's preferred pronoun! For shame, Mr Wilson. :D

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Anon, too stupid to sign your work? Dipshit.

  2. Poland is safe cuz they're NATO. An invasion of Poland triggers article 5 and the nukes start flying. Nobody wants that. But we are doing this for Poland to keep that buffer zone up.

    The good thing about this mess is that Sweden and Finland are joining NATO. Way to shoot yourself in the foot, Putin! -JKing


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