17 February 2023

Interesting Read

Prescient too.

Read the whole thing. 

The Seven Factors
These key "failure factors" are:

  • Restrictions on the free flow of information.
  • The subjugation of women.
  • Inability to accept responsibility for individual or collective failure.
  • The extended family or clan as the basic unit of social organization.
  • Domination by a restrictive religion.
  • A low valuation of education.
  • Low prestige assigned to work

How many are in play here in the US today?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well, we have the the restrictions on information flow down...

    Not so sure on the subjugation of women, but removal of a large portion of the potential work force being one of the things noted in the article strikes me as being a thing now with the HR policies "encouraging" hiring in a certain direction.

    No blame for failure seems human nature, and DEEPLY ingrained in the current US powers that be, so yes. Clan, not as much, but at the top of the pile it does seem that they do take good care of their own, so maybe?

    I would argue that both the militant lack of religion (which is in and of itself a religion) and the hard line socialism/communism (again, another religion) seem to have this well in hand for another "yes"... :-)

    Working where I do I cannot officially comment on this, but I would certainly argue that lowering the perceived value of STEM degrees vs "other" is a real issue...

    And the fact that blue collar work is looked down upon by so many people who fail to realize that you can have a really solid career and support yourself/your family doing things vs. getting the advanced degree in underwater basket weaving... You know to work at the basket factory :-)...

    Should note there is some heavy backlash coming on a lot of things as we see here in Texas they are pushing to officially abolish DEI, etc... Not sure if it will go anywhere, but the fact that it is being discussed and not simply shouted down here speaks volumes...

    1. Allowing genetic men to be 'women' in sports and industry subjugates women.

  3. Sounds like the basic formulae of both Islam and Catholicism (and offshoots like Eastern Orthodox, etc). Although both play lip service to education, they value low quality education in that it has to conform to their restrictive religious sensibilities. And as far as the unfettered immigration that the libtards are encouraging... most of them come from these groups. The current immigrant groups that don't follow these patterns are mostly from India and China. Ironically the libtards don't like these groups so much because they tend to show the flaws in the groups that libtards love. I've worked with a lot of Indians and Chinese. Not once has any one of them attempted to convert me to Hinduism, Buddism, Confucionism or any of the other religions of those regions. In fact other than some odd dietary customs (mostly vegetarian, pescatarian or pollotarian), religion almost never is an issue dealing with them. They quietly do their thing and don't generally care if westerners are Xtian, Jewish or Agnostic or Athiest or whatever. And as a rule, most Asians highly value education.


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