07 February 2023

News To Me

Something that the Antifa and Black-Lives-Matter supporting "pro-gun" groups are trying to make a thing is that "the 2nd amendment is for everyone!" with the implication that those who oppose rioting, arson and destruction of property think that minorities shouldn't be allowed firearms.

That's never been true for me.

I've advocated for equal rights for all for a long time.

I'm a monster because I really mean equal, of course.

I signed up to teach gun safety and basic marksmanship with Operation Blazing Sword.

I've helped with Pink Pistols for years.


Because I discovered that I had friends who'd been secretly gay for years.

Secretly, because of the threat of violence from the "normal" people.

Armed populations don't get genocided.

That's what Pink Pistols teaches.

Gay rights did advance to the point of equality.  LGBTQ stuff is nearly to the point of general acceptance.  That's really as it should be.  But just like Mothers Against Drunk Driving and NAACP, once they'd achieved victory, the people who ran the organizations discovered they'd be out of work.

So they found additional "rights" to advocate for beyond what was right and just.

The Antifa and BLM associated groups are attempting to say that opposing the normalization of pederasty and that gender dimorphism can exist prior to secondary sexual traits emerge are committing genocide.

I don't think they know what genocide means.

Even so, I've noticed something.  There's no conversation about denying these people their right to own a firearm.  There is no conversation, even among people who dislike "Teh Gheys" intensely (and they've commented here) to round them up into camps and execute a "final solution."

The pro-gun community teaches LGBTQ people to shoot.  The pro-gun community teaches women to shoot.  The pro-gun community teaches minorities to shoot.

We're not, generally, homophobes, sexists, or racists.

We've been living the idea that the Second Amendment is for everyone for decades.

The NRA was even active in arming blacks during the Civil Rights Era in the south!  Worst.  Racists.  Evah!  Charlton Heston got drawn into the fight for firearms rights because of his activism for civil rights.

I think the problem is that we're also advocating for law and order.

Criminals who loot, rape, murder, burn, riot and destroy are not protected by the aegis of the 2nd Amendment.

That's why they think we hate their "rights."  We don't support criminality.


  1. I've had something like this discussion before with people. The Right Wing, or conservatives, generally don't care what or who you are as long as you do your darned job and just that. Do your job. Don't cause problems, don't create negative waves. Do things in a positive manner, to make things better. Proof is more money in your pocket and less issues at your work or in your private life.

    The Left Wing or modern liberals want everyone to rock the boat. While conforming. A movement to bland were nothing gets done but everything looks, to their eyes, good. What my wife calls 'The Rotton Cake Theory.' Wherein it doesn't matter how rotten the cake is inside as long as it looks good on the outside.

    I've had people threaten me with physical harm over stating this. While other people are nodding their heads and saying they can see my point. I've never been threatened by anyone on the conservative/right-wing side.

    1. The difference is most conservatives believe everyone has a right to their opinion even if they don't agree with it. Even if it's provably wrong. Liberals believe that everyone should conform to the politically correct opinion.

      Furthermore, conservatives generally believe that people should be allowed to express their opinions even if they are mean, bigoted, hateful, stupid, whatever. Free speech protects even offensive speech because inoffensive speech doesn't NEED to be protected. Liberals of course, claim to be the defenders of free speech, but in reality they want to muzzle anyone who doesn't spout the proper party line.

      That doesn't mean that conservatives will listen to everyone, or that they won't argue with them or tell them they are supid, evil, disgusting or whatever. But they won't usually say that they should be cancelled or jailed just for having opinions that they don't agree with. Liberals on the other hand are gleeful to try to demonize people to the point of trying to destroy their livelyhood of safety for "offenses" as small as not hating Trump enough.

      Libtards project. They claim that the right is where the violence comes from when in reality most of it comes from the left.

  2. I worked on at a gun shop with an indoor range that the Pink Pistols used and were welcomed at. I recall one time two ladies from the group came up to look at a pistol which we did not have in the rental pool. I let them shoot my personal version , a Sig P-239 in 9mm so they could see if they wanted to buy one. We talked for a while and they said how nice everyone was there. My boss came by and said that was because we had more in common with lesbians that shoot than white men that don't. I think he was correct.

    1. That is a damned good way to put it. It is funny how libtards think that they are the accepting ones... But I don't know very many conservatives who feel like they just can't even be around someone who is liberal. But I know a lot of liberals who just can't be around anyone they even suspect might not be to the left of Chairman Mao without spouting vitriol or feeling like they are in danger and have to leave for some "safe zone". Many of them don't seem to realize what my politics are because I keep that closely guarded most of the time. They're fooled by me living in a liberal stronghold area and having long hair and a beard I guess. So they make assumptions. And I hear a lot of what they really feel and think when they don't think conservative ears are listening.


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