08 February 2023

Cautious Optimism

Have not seen a live roach for hours.

All I did different from the first time last month was to increase the soak time from two hours to four.

Fingers crossed.

Going to do it again next week, just because.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. Over on the other coast, we're not having a problem with roaches (so far, cross fingers, etc.) but with big head ants. These are the ones that invade the fire ant mounds, kill them all, and take over. They don't seem to be getting whacked by any of the insecticides we put down. Everyday is a constant search for them and killing off stragglers or scouts. It has to be that some EPA law has made them dilute the pesticides so much they're practically water.

    Nothing has built up resistance to getting squashed, so it's a lot of hand to hand combat.


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