22 February 2023

This Guy Is Hilarious

 This is the most sober I've ever seen his analysis of military tech, so this particular vid isn't really all that funny, but it's at least an attempt to be fair about what Russia's capabilities are.


  1. Au contraire.
    Such a forthright and sober analysis of Russia's actual military power is hilarious in the extreme.
    The whole was excellent, but the last 3 minutes' or so summary, from 16:49ff, was world-class military appraisal.
    "I've seen better tactics from World Of Tanks players!"

  2. That is about the most sedate Lazer Pig video of all time. One that stuck with me was on the T-34. Fans call it the greatest tank of WWII. LP points out the Soviets made lot's of tanks, many of poor quality and no spare parts. When one was damaged or broke, the only choice was a new tank. Missing production quotas was not something you would have ever admitted to. He really gets wound up on some and I find him entertaining as well as informative.


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