01 March 2023


Army Times is a "bit" critical of the XM5 program.

Notable quote: "The slight increase in ballistic coefficiency between the 6.8x51mm and 7.62x51mm cartridges neither justified the money pumped into the program nor does the slight increase in kinetic energy dumped on target."


  1. Well, duh. Quelle suprise. No shit, Sherlock.

    Not surprised.

    Especially since so many retired generals and colonels were part of the advisory committee and part of the companies involved in supplying all the new wunderweapons.

    Seriously. Who didn't see this coming?

  2. Just adopt a service rifle in 7.62x51mm NATO. Boom, done. If it's too much recoil for you, then get stronger. -JKing

    1. Totally agree. Want to screw with something, work on advanced bullet designs to go with your bog-standard NATO round.

      Want a shorter rifle, then go with some bullpup design. The Israelis seem to really like and favor their TAVOR, but the geniuses in the puzzle palace would probably go with some abomination along the lines of what England did, before they mostly fixed it.

  3. Another boondoggle, for zero improvement.

    Which is why working in any defense-related field for a minimum of 10 years after separation for anyone above the rank of O-4 should be an automatic federal prison term for another 10 years.

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