15 March 2023

Damn Commie Bastards

Twilight: 2000 did a decent job of peering into the murky crystal ball that was Soviet equipment in 1985.

How could they have known what the Russians were up to when the CIA was having a bit of trouble too.

I saw what the CIA had in '89; we was ignorant.

There's a whole family of 152mm guns and ammo that came to service around that time that should be in the game instead of the old Akatsiya and D-20.

It looks like the new tubes use the same projectiles, but have abandoned the old 547.5mm rimmed case.

1 comment:

  1. Years ago I was contracted to create a poster showing off the computer modeling skills of a client. I took an unclassified model and generated a few images including one that showed the crew manually reloading.

    The official opinion was that reloads were done with a support vehicle. Poster went to print. Big wig saw poster and got very very upset about us publishing classified material.

    Sometimes it just makes sense and as an outsider you take a guess. It doesn't matter if you get it wrong. The people that do this as a profession can't get it wrong so they do get it wrong.


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