29 March 2023


Since I'm the one who seems to be pointing out the nastiness...

Way back when...

I remember when the bent needed to hide they were of the LGB persuasion.

To fail to do so would lead to being fired, shunned and in some places and times assaulted.

That this was wrong was pointed out, and it's now generally accepted.

Laws were repealed.  Laws were passed.

People learned that they had queer friends.

People discovered that it didn't actually affect their friendship.

In short, the LGB folks won.

Trans and generic Queers made the same arguments and joined the victory lap.

At this point LGBTQ people have achieved the same rights as everyone else, as is just.

But we straight folk need punished?

For what?

For the actions of others in my case.  I've been a supporter and defender of LEGBTQ rights for decades.  Longer than some of these crybullies have been alive.

But, go on.  Harden my heart against you.

Guess who isn't harmed by returning to the injustices of the past.

That's right.  The straight people whom you have deemed deserve your divine retribution.

I gots to tell you, the average person is getting fed up with being called all manner of bigot AFTER conceding that minorities deserved the same rights as everyone else and helping to secure those rights.

It should be obvious, but if the homophobic, misogynist, racist hetronormative patriarchy was REALLY in charge...  There would not be any minority rights at all.  It'd just be white, straight men's rights and fuck the lot of you.

How do I determine this?

First in a representative democratic republic, you need a majority to get people elected and laws passed.

Those laws (and amendments) were passed because you made a solid, logical, argument.

So vengeance now?

You do know how vendetta works, right?

OK, you do your vengeance thing.  You kill a few people.  You win now?


You convince the majority that you're too dangerous to have around.  At least to have around uncontrolled.

Maybe you get to wear a little pink triangle on your coat to warn others...  Congratulations!  You made Nazis out of normal people!

Erin has talked about how some of this kickback is already happening.

She's missing who's really to blame about it, though.

But this sort of thing keeps happening and all the concessions that minorities deserve rights always seems to result in white straight people having fewer rights than the minorities and constantly being told what scum we are.

We're not scum.  We wanted you to join us as equals.  No more, no less.

But you seem to want that existential fight.

Blacks seem to be after it.

LQBTQ seems to be after it.

Because, you're bigots.  No better than the toothless Klansman.  No better than a Nazi Brownshirt.  No better than a Chekist.

Perhaps we were wrong about you.

What you're really going to end up doing is fucking the people that you claim you are advocating for.  They're not like you.  They're actually happy being equals.  The mistake they're making is letting you speak for them.

That's not a smart thing to do when provoking the wrath of a Western Civ.

I don't want it to come to it.  But I don't get to decide on this one starting.  The fools are running the show.


  1. A big part of the problem here is that a lot of these gains were not gained by convincing a majority of the voters that the gains were justified, but by doing end runs around the legislatures through the courts. I noticed that in the first election after Iowa got "gay marriage," the judges who had made the decision were booted out, although retention of judges in these elections is normally a routine matter. Stuffing things down people's throats by court order is not a good idea, however necessary those tactics might have been to get rid of Jim Crow.

  2. It may sound a little tinfoil hat but it often seems like there is an orchestrated effort by the Stalinist/Maoist powers that be to agitate these groups and cause hatred in attempt to provoke a race/religion/class/sexual identity war. Something to give them an excuse to replace our current system with their new one modeled after the old USSR and CCP of PRC. The people they claim to be protecting will probably end up getting screwed. The history of those kind of totalitarian regimes on real human rights is abysmal. LGBTQ were and still are oppressed in China and Russia. The place that actually has allowed the most freedoms for minorities and LGBTQ is the US, who is also the most vilified, often for decades if not centuries old issues -- issues which were true everywhere else at the time as well.


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