29 March 2023

Not Misgendering

Once a scumbag decides to murder children it no longer gets the courtesy of being personed.

It doesn't have a gender because it is a thing.

Things don't have genders or pronouns.

Yes, I do this to insult the worthless scum who murdered six innocents.

I hope they are insulted as they writhe in the torments of whatever afterlife they find themselves in.


  1. It has become wormfood. That is all that matters. What it was before is less important than having it reach room temperature.

  2. Crazy has no Gender.

  3. every mental health class I've been in they always said you don't agree with the patient... why do they push these sick people in the wrong direction instead of trying to help them?

    1. Because it forwards an agenda for them. The worse things are, the more crime and death and destruction, the quicker the powers-behind-the-agenda can push a nationalized police force and one more step further into national socialism (of which, sadly, we are already far into.)

    2. Anon; When the wiring presents a case where the patient looks in the mirror and sees someone with the wrong plumbing there's fuck all you can do much of the time.

      With many patients, letting them dress as if they have the plumbing they perceive themselves to have is palliative and therapeutic. Having the rest of us play along actually helps.

      Gender dysphoria is complicated and both sides grossly oversimplify it for political gain.

      The present, tyrannical, demand is to have school teachers inflict gender dysphoria on normal children.

      Parents, of course, don't want their children to be made to have a disorder.

      What the trans community has to get their heads around is that they are having a rough time because they have a mental disorder, not because society has it out for them.

      It'd be a lot easier to convince them of that if some religious nutjobs would stop having it out for them.

      Compassion is part of your fucking religion. Look. It. Up.

  4. Let its name and deeds be erased from the pylons and temple walls! Let its name and deeds be no longer mentioned! Let it be anathema! Let it be an unperson! So let it be written, so let it be done! Proclaim its disgrace under the Vermilion Seal!

  5. sorry Angus, i didn't sign that post...so in all the training i had over the years, we were told not to agree with them...now being trans might be different then when people are talking to what they believe is another person...but i would think it's all pretty much the same...i've dealt with satan, witches, someone claiming to be ozzy, fought a guy who thought he was Jesus and his foot stench would kill everyone on the planet, and on on, and not once did i go along with whatever they were claiming...some of them i had to fight, others i was able to talk in to the car to get them help...dr's can do whatever they need to do after that...the sad truth as i've seen, no one wants to pay to help these people...it's a vicious circle and endless drugs and for some it's a game...panzer guy...

    1. Training as a first responder? Training as HR? Training as a psychologist?

      That last is where I'm pulling my information.

      In the first two, "don't agree" might be the best path. It's more short term in its goals.

  6. as first responders...panzer guy


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