19 March 2023

If (A Big If) Trump Is Arrested Tuesday

Don has asked us to protest.

After seeing what happened to the J6 people...

Here's all Don will get from me:

He's got the money to fight the charges and perhaps even counter sue to get the people who falsely accuse him.

He should probably have been dropping defamation and slander suits all over everywhere by now, actually.


  1. The other side is bound and determined to make him into a martyr, aren't they?

  2. Well, fair's fair... This means that the Clinton's, Bidens, etc. are fair game for silly prosecution and persecution beyond the end of their terms? Yeah, I laughed typing that, Hell will freeze over before that happens...

  3. Protest takes many forms.

    Gaggling up and taking to the streets is idiocy, and has been since pretty much ever. There's neither non-violence nor shame on the table to make that work.

    4GW, OTOH, might get spicy in previously unimagined ways.

    "When you make peaceful revolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK

  4. "He should probably have been dropping defamation and slander suits all over everywhere by now, actually."

    Agree strongly. Plenty of media have called him guilty of so many crimes that were not able to be proven in court. Recorded live. Pelosi and Schiff clamied they witnessed with their eyes proof of Trump's guilt, yet declined testifying of that in court. Libel and Slander - Trump has plenty of evidence of this. Networks and powerful media heads would have to prove these accusations in court of law.

    Seven years they have been going after Trump - no charges proven, only accusations.

  5. dang it, forgot to sign that "jrg" My apologies.


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