29 March 2023

I Can Stop School Shootings

Ban schools.


See how simple that was?

It also has the benefit of wiping teachers unions off the face of the earth.


  1. Make them just local and remove the State/Fed interference... I seem to remember my own schooling in the ancient times being pretty good. I learned quite a lot, but looking at the results for my own children? Even from a "good" district it was "less useful"... And working in a University I cannot make many comments other than "we are seeing more and more Students wholly unprepared for College level instruction"... But I'm just the IT guy, so what would I know... But yes there was some "Iron Law" about the growth of such organizations I remember reading...

  2. Hey Angus;

    Hell just get rid of the Fed's alone will solve a lot of problems...Most of the stuff can be handled at the state and lower.

  3. run for prez Angus, i'll vote for you...panzer guy

  4. There may be more merit to this than most people would think... One thing basically all school shooters have in common is that their experience in school (usually the one they shoot at) was universally terrible.

    Most of them are kids that faced bullying by other students or even faculty that was not dealt with or in some cases even encouraged by the schools. It's no secret the LGBTQ kids often get treated horribly, especially I would guess in religious schools.

    Now, none of this is an excuse for the shooters. They're sick individuals who need help and/or correction. Lots of the rest of us also had horrible experiences in school and were bullied and abused by teachers and we manage not to become murderers.

    I can tell you I had some really great teachers... and some truly awful ones.


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