09 March 2023

The Problem (And Talking Through It Out Loud)

I'm brainstorming and spitballing here.


Not homicide, not suicide, not democide, not genocide.

The "genocide" against The Left's trans agenda isn't actually killing anyone.

No, not even you.

What's surprising is how The Left's characterization of the issue is being taken at face value by many people who'd go outside to check if The Left said, "the sky is blue."

Why do you trust these proven liars now?

The opposition to the agenda isn't founded in eliminating LGBT rights of individuals.

It's founded in eliminating proselytizing from government institutions.

The analogy here isn't The Shoah.  The proper analogy is convincing a Methodist to become a Catholic using public schools to create new Catholics over the objections of their Methodist parents; then lying that they are doing it.  But this is not Methodisticide!

The Left is lying, they ARE trying to create new LGBT people from children and keeping them from naturally growing into straight people.

Opposing THIS is not a bad thing.


There are people who will naturally become LGBT as they grow up.  We should let them.

Allowing them to be themselves won't hurt you.  Honest!

BUT! (again)

The naturally part has to happen.  Don't force or train kids to be LGBT, don't force or train kids to be straight.

Most especially, GOVERNMENT should not be involved in the teaching of children in this matter one way or the other; especially at the exclusion of one side from the debate.

If your son wants to wear a dress and stops responding to their given name; you, as a parent, should probably figure out why.

It could genuinely be a phase they're going through.

It could genuinely be gender dysphoria (though if it's before puberty this is VERY unlikely).

It could be that they're being punished for being cisnormal and rewarded for aping being LGBT by someone with, dare I say it, an agenda.  There doesn't even have to be a punishment if the rewards are lucrative enough to the child.

Positive and negative reinforcement are real, folks.

1 comment:

  1. Before the current craze, "transgenders" were very, very rare. There were people who liked to cross-dress (more men than women, since women can wear many male clothes without causing much comment) but actually going the length of having surgery (even when it became available) was quite uncommon.


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