23 March 2023

Fucking Veterans

It's a tradition!

The Congressional Budget Office has proposed making veteran's disability payments contingent on a means based test.

Not just the vet's income, but household income.

Sure, you're fucked up, but your wife has a good job...

I will gladly sacrifice my disability check every month if we change ALL other entitlement programs to an able-body test.

Sure, you don't make any money NOW punching out kids, but there's nothing physically keeping you from holding a job, so NO SOUP FOR YOU!

That'd nuke welfare like Jupiter hitting at 0.9c.

Take half the non-discretionary budget with it too.


  1. Fuck the people who actually worked for it and earned it so they can give it away to dead beats who are just leeches on society... Yeah, that's about right for Democrats. But wait... Isn't the house ostensibly run by Republicans right now? They should be ashamed of themselves.

  2. Add alcohol, drugs, and tobacco tests to welfare checks. I am tired of seeing able bodied people pay for their groceries with EBT cards, especially when they have bling, tats, and gummit phones. At a grocery store in Portland we witnessed a Russian couple in the grocery store checkout line, both wearing very expensive clothes. The cashier set aside items not allowed to be paid for with EBT cards. While the couple was talking on their phones, both husband and wife whipped out massive rolls of cash, throwing down 20s. They drove off in a fairly new, customized Escalade.

  3. Hey Angus;

    Yeah fuck us vets over..you know the ones that signed the dotted line...but let the leeches, freeloaders, illegals and other neer-do-well continue to game the system. i know that I am hosed if they do "means" tested...I do ok as a chemtrail technician plus what my wife makes...I ain't gonna get squat from them. But hey lets send shitloads of money to the Ukraine.....so the politicians can dip their beak.

  4. since most vets are probably conservative people, the wife probably has a decent job so again, the good guy gets screwed...panzer guy...


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