07 March 2023

Because Anti-Gunners Say So

The Florida Senate president, the name doesn't matter because this happens every time, says that they don't support open carry because the Florida Sheriff's Association doesn't support open carry.

I guess it's a good thing they supported permitless carry and a pile of pork to go with it or we'd just get the pork.

I am thinking that what the pro-gun organizations should is pull our support for a bill that's such a dumpster fire of police pork.

Does that make them cannibals?

I am so entirely sick of this refrain.

Doesn't matter what the people want as long as the LEO orgs are the real power.


  1. Is it really the LEO orgs power, or is that an excuse to ignore the desires of the people?

    1. Both. Florida Sheriffs wield quite a bit of both actual and political power. And the RINOs in Tallahassee are spineless quislings, along with the regular republicans.


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