09 March 2023

Muddied And Confused

I am besides myself.

I do support LGBT rights as individual rights.

I also oppose the LGBT agenda that is being presented as mandatory by The Left.

That you can stake this position out is testimony to how fucked up the situation is.

It is not helped in the least that genuine bigots exist and are using opposition to The Left's agenda as a mask for suppressing individual rights.

To the point that you almost cannot say you oppose this agenda without being accused of being against the individual's rights.

The people most affected by the policies which are enacted by this agenda's success or failure will have the most sensitive whiskers to how these policies will impact their lives.

It's an uncomfortable place for a pro-liberty and freedom person to be in watching both sides of the aisle demand less liberty and freedom.

There's a lot of work to sussing out what any given speaker means when they talk.

Are they talking about eliminating individual rights because they're secretly speaking for their invisible friend who demands the death of Teh Gheys?

Are they talking about opposing the suppression of individual rights which accompanies The Left's agenda.

Because straight white cisgender people have rights too.  (Aside, notice how cisgender is practically a slur?)

Why wouldn't they get pissed off at their rights be violated so that another groups preferences can be elevated over theirs?

Both The Left and The Right have a lot to learn about not fucking the other side's rights while maintaining their own.

And I am fed up being between them as they fight.


  1. Since my politics can best be summed up as "Just leave me alone and I'm more than happy to return the favor" I have a difficult time with it as well :-) But wanting to be left alone is apparently an extremist view these days...

    1. Call me an extremist then. Lots of stuff is none of my business. Lots of stuff is none of anyone else's business either. People should mind their own business most of the time.


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