01 March 2023

On One Condition

So, Mr Zelenskyy has said that NATO, in particular, the US must send troops to fight the Russians.

I have one condition.

Something we should have done after every foreign adventure.

You drag us into a war, we keep it when we're done and it's American after that.

Not ONLY is the land American, but so shall your children and grandchildren be American.  Reference my thoughts on the melting pot for how I plan on doing that.

You want us to fight for it, we get to keep it when we're done.

Don't want that?

Learn to win your own fucking wars.

You keep running on about this and I think that the US should learn how to make 152mm gun tubes and rounds and see what Russia will pay.


  1. Zelensky is overplaying his hand, and running his piehole when he should be tending the home fires.
    The sooner he realizes he's an optional component, the better this goes all around.

    Other than attaches, a random adviser or three, and a couple of civvy maintenance help or the Red Cross, he ain't writing checks on American military manpower, and anyone who tries to send them is going to make the riots LBJ saw look paltry by comparison. Some of which will be guys with stars leaking to reporters like a screen door, and some of which will take the form of impeachment hearings. He wants fiatbux and HE shells? Send a container ship of each. One drop of American blood? Sorry, they're all busy re-arranging their sock drawers.

    Asking for Lend-Lease is one thing.
    Demanding Normandy Beach is another. And frankly, quite beyond the pale.
    Daddy Warbucks giveth, and Daddy Warbucks taketh away.
    If he's not careful, Ukraine is going to learn that lesson, experientially.

  2. Personally, I'd say that if the Ukrainians want foreign troops, they can either ask their neighbors (many of whom have very good reasons to fear the Russians) or start up a Foreign Legion like the French and Spanish have. I wonder---what's Ukrainian for "March or die?"

  3. I don't think Putin would be anywhere comfortable with having the USA as a next door neighbor. (aside - what would we call Ukraine then ? America 2 ? America Euro ? Ukrainamerica ? And so many other questions). Putin would light the sky with white heat before that would happen. I think Technomad makes a lot of sense. Other Europeans need to put skin in the game 'cause their turn up to bat is much sooner than they think if Ukraine falls. It will become WWIII very quickly.



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