29 November 2023


Officer Gramins says he was carrying 47 rounds that fateful night.

10 of them in a Glock 26 (though I suspect that's 11 because 10+1 capacity).

That leaves us 36 rounds to account for.

His primary was a Glock 21.  13+1 capacity.

40 rounds for a loaded gun and two spares like the article says.

I'm getting 51 not 47.

I'm not saying he's mistaken or lying.

But I'd like to see how he came to 47.


  1. A lot of departments do the "Load your mags one or two less than specified because mag springs in the 70's and early 80's (supposedly, usually no proof at all) sucked donkey balls." That would get you -2 per mag and get you to your 47 rounds, not 51.

    At a local PD that I am aware of, there were lots of old guys who should have known better carrying 1-2 rounds less per mag because they didn't want to distress the mag springs. Gets worse for the guys who grew up with crappy steel M16/AR15 20 round mags that could only reliably loaded to 20 and they were carrying new P-Mags and still loaded 1-3 rounds less on their new mags with modern springs.

  2. Maybe he downloads all of his mags by one round? The difference is 4 rounds, which matches his 4 mags loaded one round short each.


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