08 November 2023

Miltary Accessory

An odd thing to call a military accessory is a sling.

But I just noticed that most old "Fudd" guns rarely came with provisions for a sling.

EVERY military long arm does.

How did the antis miss that one?


  1. It is odd... One of the first things a lot of guys did back in the day other than tapping and drilling for a scope was adding sling swivel mounts. I've personally added them to a lot of "fudd guns" myself. I suppose maybe they couldn't see a way to make them seem scary like barrel shrouds or pistol grips or folding stocks.

  2. I think it would be a very hard sell since slings are common for target shooting and hunting, things the antis claim are OK. When I learned to shoot in the 70s all of the .22 rifles had loop slings installed and most guns I've seen had studs for sling swivels.

    1. That's true today. But it wasn't as recently as 30 years ago.


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