06 November 2023


There are a lot of hate groups in America.

More than are "tracked" by the Southern Poverty Law Center because a lot of them are sanctioned by the media to hate all they want.

Yes, there are neo-Nazis, but not very many.

There are KKK and racial separatists, but not very many.

The non-Nazi hate of Jews has, recently, been shown to be very large and mostly of a single party.

There's substantial hatred of straight white men out there.

You can hate on Christians all you like.

Essentially, if you're the right kind of bigot, you can hate openly.

There's a veneer of shame over it, because they're still using synonyms when describing their hate.

Trust me, the targets of the hate are aware of it.

The equilibrium is not quite to the critical mass for a punctuation to happen, but it's getting close.

One sided enforcement is prolly going to push it over the edge as large group realizes they've nothing to lose hating back and noticing they outnumber the haters.

It will be a bad time to be wearing a badge, by the way.  It's people wearing those badges doing the selective enforcement, after all.


  1. SPLC is one of the biggest hate mongering groups there is. It's pretty obvious that they hate just about anyone who isn't to the left of Chairman Mao. I'm not an xtian, and I don't really like being preached to, but in general I am mostly able to fly low and not get into that with them and get along. People on the left don't want to get along. They want drama. Drama builds votes for them and brings them in massive donations.

    You are also very correct that the number of actual neo-nazis and KKK types are probably the smalled they've been since the civil war. SPLC are big liars when they talk about "rise" in right leaning groups. It's mostly all BS. Again, they do it to raise $$$$. And they do it by painting everyone who isn't a total leftist as being a right winger.

    They're definitely going to start pushing everyone who is center or right of center together. And although the recent mess in congress shows we've got unity issues, in the end it looks like things may get forced to the point where people will find common ground.

    You are correct that things are a mess for those wearing badges or uniforms. The leftists in government are both trying to purge the good people out and fill the ranks with fellow Stalinist/Maoist true believers. They won't get them all, but it will be very hard for the good people who remain when the feces starts to hit the rotary air circulation devices.

  2. i hate liver...maybe i can start my own group...panzer guy...


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