13 November 2023

While I Hope She Gets It...

The neighbor across the way is trying to sell her house.

She's been a raving loon for weeks because of it.

Clearly she's not from around here because October and November are usually when it finally gets cool enough for home improvement work to start.

Shit like replacing the facing on my front porch.

I've got it all torn apart and am awaiting the professionals we hired to come do the actual repair.

She's, loud enough to hear two houses down, proclaimed how bad it looks and how this is affecting her chances of selling the place.  She's also insinuated that we're breaking the law for not having a permit displayed.

I've kept my trap shut, but I want to go over and say, "neighbors who fix things are good neighbors for property values."

Oh, and we don't need a permit for this kind of repair.  We checked because this stuff affects our wind mitigation survey and you want a permit if it's required when the insurance company sends their drone.


  1. She's a dumbass trying to sell in this market anyway. Thanks to Biden, with interest rates not seen since Jimmy Carter's days, houses are not selling much and if they do are going for significantly less than they were a year or two ago. Anyone who was able to sell a year or two ago and buy now would be doing really well, but now is way too late. She missed her opportunity big time. Of course, buying now unless you're nearly paying cash means you're definitely looking to need to refinance not too far down the line. Hopefully we'll see Biden out of office and mortage interest rates will retreat to maybe not the ridiculously low levels we'd seen since the housing bust in the mid-late 2000s but at least to more historic norms.

    She's undoubtedly being loud on purpose (aggressive passive-aggressive. Well, unless she's just the loud bitchy type all the time... Which isn't out of the realm of likely possibility now that I think of it.

    1. As Reagan learned, you're going to have to keep those interest rates up for a while to get inflation back in check.

    2. True enough. It could be 2-3 years before we're out from under the threat of renewed "stagflation". You are correct that even Reagan took a while to undo the mess that Carter got it on. It is a tricky balance really. How to cut inflation without cratering the economy too much and causing a major recession. Biden's strings are being pulled by people that I definitely don't trust to get this right.


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