22 November 2023

Wait For It

With several dancing monkeys being kicked to the curb for spewing their hateful bile, I wonder when the "Jews control Hollywood" meme will resurface.

Because it just can't be because being a hateful bigot got made you unemployable.  It has to be a vast Zionist conspiracy.

Dancing monkeys just aren't very smart, they're vulnerable to this sort of scam.

We should return them to the protective custody of the studio system.

In addition to keeping the monkeys from pushing their vapid half thoughts on us, the movies were better made under that system.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding Susan Sarandon being kicked to the curb, it's about darned tootin time. She is the classic example of stupid marxist dancing monkey. Of course, she doesn't give her money away like a good low-level marxist, noooo...


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