03 November 2023

We Didn't Break It

A comment that didn't get published because they didn't sign it... said, to the effect of:

It's western Europe that is at fault for the middle east being all fucked up.

They even mentioned things like the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

While it didn't make things better for the Middle East, it didn't actually break the place.

The Ottoman Turks make a hobby of fracturing the place and keeping it messed up in a manner that JB Tito made a ghostly emulation of.

Notice the relative ease that TE Lawrence had in convincing the Arabs to rise up against the Ottomans in WW1.

But it needs be noted that the Ottomans were able to keep them at each others throats and bounce them off each other because they were, and are, still tribal and not national.  They came pre-fragmented and ready for conquering.

For example:

They are not Middle Easterners.  They are not Arabians.  They are Bakr, Hawazin, Tamin, etc.

After WW1 France and England did draw borders without regard to the tribal identities of the occupants of the land.

Kurdistan is the classic example that was erased by the Turks and remains erased to this very day.

Nothing Western Civ has done in the region addresses this core issue with the people living there, except perhaps, favoring one tribe over another to the point of the favored tribe being able to take and hold power because they were friendly to the favoring.

They get kinda bitter when they get replaced for forgetting to be grateful.  <-Sarcasm alert!

Unfavored tribes get kinda bitter for being unfavored and being supplanted or replaced by the favorites of the day.

The fastest way to settle it would be to pump in weapons to every side until the shooting stops, then murder the winners and take over.

Did I say fastest?

That might be the only way for it to get settled.

As a people they get vendetta at a level only seen in Sicily.

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