26 November 2023

Car Shopping

Marv and I went to look at a '13 Caprice PPV this afternoon and discovered a hot rodder oddity.

The car was in bad enough shape that it was not worth the $5,000 the owner wanted.

But we both noticed that $5,000 would have been a decent deal if you wanted a solid, running, LS engine and good 6L80E transmission.

Not worth it as a running, driving car; but worth it as a pile of parts going into a different project.

Neither of us has such a project, so this was a pass.

1 comment:

  1. That's like my son's 96 Suburban, which had a trashed interior and signs of a bad engine bearing so it was offered for sale as a self propelled 4L60 transmission. He got more than he paid.


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