02 November 2023

What Caliber For Hamas?

Willard asked, and I think that 340mm is the correct answer if we're stupid enough to get into the shooting side of this conflict.

Right or wrong, I am sick of half measures with the fucking middle east.

I'm also sick of ignoring the true culprits.

No more nation building.

Don't care about hearts and minds.

I really don't care about the moral high ground anymore either.

I want peace and perfectly willing to use the Curtis LeMay methodology, "I'll tell you what war is about, you've got to kill people, and when you've killed enough they stop fighting," and, "There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn't bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders"

That second quote is because the people we'd be killing in this case have no compunctions about killing innocent civilians themselves.


I've long held we need to have fewer than more foreign entanglements.


It should be safer to eat white arsenic than hurt an American.

I could be persuaded to stop giving any support or trade with any nation which isn't a democracy.

And de facto democracy, not de jure.

And if we must be involved in foreign entanglements, then put our own interests ahead of all others.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. If you'd bothered to sign this, I'd have more to say about being somewhat correct, but missing some very important details.

  2. Foreign wars should be like, well, the War against the Barbary Pirates. We go in, kill a bunch, make them bend their knee to our mightiness and tell them "If you do this again, we'll come back twice as bad."

    Wouldn't be a bad use of a neutron warhead, that is if we had any in inventory.

    Else, well, one big thunder run from one end to another of whatever country is playing fucky-fucky with us, after a suitable aerial and naval bombardment.

    Sure wish we still had some gun cruisers and gun battleships, or even a couple of those proposed but never made arsenal ships with hundreds of VLS full of bombardment rockets.

  3. You have a very Roman attitude towards peace. This is hard on those who disturb peace, but the Pax Romana lasted a long time because the example of Carthage was a powerful deterrent. Leveling Gaza City and sowing the ground with salt seems like good message to send to Tehran.

    1. I will cop to that. Rome was very practical about a lot of things.


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