30 November 2023

EDC Blades

I agree with Mr Chappell.

Knives are tools.

Kershaw Cyclone and Victorinox Explorer.

The Swiss knife rarely gets called on to cut with either blade.  It's more commonly employed as a screwdriver and bottle opener.

I don't carry either to have a fight.

Both lack anything to keep my hand from slipping forward over the blade.  The Swiss one doesn't even lock!

I'd much prefer a weapon for fighting.

Why would you bring a knife to a sword fight?



  1. Ayup. If'n I was gonna have to actually cut or stab someone, I'd much rather have some fixed-blade fighting knife with something to stop me fingers from getting cut by me or by my opponent. Short sword or saber, K-bar or a nice dagger.

    Pocket and wallet knives are for tool usage or for last resort as a useless act of desperation and defiance. "I stab at thee (as I go pokey-pokey with my key-knife... woooo... talk about a serious need for proper placement.)"

  2. Yes, I open boxes/letters with one knife and the Swiss army one is just the "all other" tools"... Nice sabre BTW! I tend to use the axe I carried when I was in, but that is more of a utility tool as well... But working in IT at a University... Well, the concealed handgun is about the upper limit even here in Texas...

    1. I'm sometimes amused to think that so many people carry a knife with the intent of fighting with it, and have no idea how to use it in a fight.

      But, thanks to the SCA and a couple of reinactor trips, I actually know how to employ that saber; both from foot and horse.

      The SCA also got me passable with sword and shield and I was a terror with a halberd when properly supported.

      Hmmmmmm. Being a halberder is a lot like being a tanker. You're devastating as long as you have your little crunchy friends.

  3. This reminds me I still need to find a decent scabbard for my old wrist breaker. Hmm...does anyone make kydex scabbards?

    1. Might try making one out of PVC pipe heated and flattened into shape sheath shape. I made several of them for our machetes and they function fine. Annoying THONK sound when seating it inside though.


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