04 November 2023

Bled White

It looks like KE Arms is coming to the end of their legal battle with GWACS.

It also looks like they're going to win.

But the punishment is the process here and they've been bled white by the process.

I hate that.

I'd feel better if one of their more prominent employees wasn't walking hand in hand with antisemitic organizations.

I think I've made my position clear about antisemitism.

I made my mind up about that at Dachau.

More than thirty years ago.

Will Russel be let go or will KE Arms be counted amongst such luminaries as Illinois Nazis?


  1. You would think that gun companies would learn after the whole Lon Horiuchi episode about having employees who are morally reprehensible, loathsome, disgusting, against the American Way of Life and just not good people.

    Yeah. Hope that works for you in your struggle to recover economically, KE Arms, who just learned that the process, as you noted, is the punishment.

  2. One problem with our current system is that big, rich companies (as an example, Big Media) can blow off or ignore lawsuits against them. They have the money and the lawyers to deal with challenges that would sink smaller firms. Come to it---this is a weapons company? They embody that Warren Zevon song "Lawyers Guns and Money!"


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