07 November 2023

LS Lecture!

The only 5.7 liter LS engines are the LS1 and LS6 from Corvettes and F-bodies.

I've seen it come up before.

There's confusion in the truck world because the old small-block 350's were still available as the LS engines became available.

The L31 lasted until 2002.  If you have a V-8 from 2003 onward in a non-Caddy GM you have an LS based engine.

Odds are, if you have a '99 onward truck, you have an LS based engine.  4.8 and 5.3 liter are most common with a scattering of 6.0 engines.

1 comment:

  1. 6.2L have been available in GM trucks in recent years as well, although usually only found in the higher end models.


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