04 November 2023

Choosing Evil

I note that it wasn't Jews celebrating on September 11, 2001.

It was not Jews flying hijacked airliners into packed skyscrapers, killing thousands.

If Hamas and Palestinians are "good" then I choose evil.

My "don't care who kills you, as long as someone does," meter was pegged that day watching you cocksuckers celebrating the deaths of thousands of my countrymen.

You want my sympathy, you need to be sympathetic to my injuries.

But you celebrated that I was hurt that day.

I celebrate that you will suffer at the hands of those you recently wronged.

Your celebration nullified my cares that you might have been wronged in the past.

You decided which side I would be on.


  1. Even worse, we'll give them the old 'Civilized Western European' cold shoulder and just note their lack of existing as an overall good thing for said 'Civilized Western European' peoples.

    Or celebrate as much as when we exterminate an especially troublesome ant-mound or that suspicious raccoon wandering around one's yard.

  2. When you celebrate the death of innocents instead of protecting them... you ARE the problem.
    If the life of others, your own people or other people, means nothing to you - you ARE the problem.
    Israel has done some nasty things over the years, but they were all in response to far worse things done by Hamas and their fellow travelers. Israel tries hard to avoid "collateral damage" - Hamas, et al intentionally creates it.
    Enough said...

  3. Couldn't agree more. Unlike most Infidels I have actually read the Koran. Because of that I have NO sympathy for Islam at all. Of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism is the least offensive. Islam is the worst. Christianity, sorry to tell you, you're somewhere in between. But certainly, even if I hadn't made those decisions before, 9/11 would have make up my mind. And the latest evils of Hamas? Icing. Poisonous icing. I'm going to say it again. May the flies of a million camels infest the genitalia of ever Palestinian. I can actually say I wish the Jews weren't half as kind in exacting revenge over all the horrors that evil Muslims have infliced on them even just since 1947. Islam has been 110% evil since that rapist, murderer and pedophile Mohammed walked the earth. Anyone who follows such a scumbag I've got no sympathy for.

  4. 10-4!!!!!!!!
    GOD, GUNZ and GUTZ
    KEEP AMERICA FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,
    Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat!!!!!!,
    PS And may God Rest Mike Vanderboegh's Soul!!!!

  5. their religion is taking over the planet... our own gooberment doesn't have shit compared to islam or off with your head... panzer guy


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