10 November 2023

Is Protesting Good Or Bad

As was mentioned in the comments, whether a protest is good or bad is a matter of perspective and personal politics.

But I says that's not all of it.

People illegally blocking off a road when I just wanna get home aren't going to arouse my sympathies to their cause.  They're going to make me angry.

Angry at THEM.  For blocking the road.

Not for their political position, but because they're fucking with me when I have no power or authority to give them what they want or to take it from them.

I'm not researching their position.

I'm not making logical arguments for or against their position.



  1. An excellent point. I try to run by Abbie Hoffman's maxim: "Random violence produces random political results. Why waste even a rock?" If BLM/Antifa were to do things like, oh, just hypothetically...burn down the ATF offices, or blow up the entire IRS...I'd be a lot more sympathetic than I am when they're out just randomly trashing things.

    1. I couldn't agree more. If you're mad at the government, picket the government's buildings or whatever. Don't mess with the people, if your cause is truly just you're probably just victimizing the victims more. If there has to be pain or violence, then direct it as specifically as possible to those you are protesting against.

  2. I couldn't agree more. Especially if there are people who have real needs to get somewhere. Blocking a road can cause people to lose their jobs. It can cause people to lose thier lives. It can cause them to lose time with their families. None of these things are acceptable in the name of a protest that those people didn't sign up for.


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