16 November 2023

Should I Hold My Breath

Anti-Semites assault DNC headquarters.

Do you think they will be as thoroughly hunted down and prosecuted as the January 6 people?

Especially since the Jan 6 "insurrection" wasn't even violent.

This attack most certainly was.

Two things are going to come out of this if they aren't prosecuted.

First, it will be established that being violent in America is the way to get your way.

Second, the right wing will start doing it too.

Considering how apt the analogy of the dial vs switch on violence is; we don't really want that.

But, as some politician once said, "if you make peaceful change impossible, you make violent change inevitable."

And it's odd that the change being asked for on the right is a return to civilization from incipient barbarism.

The rule of law is better than the rule of man.


  1. No they will not be prosecuted. Just like the Antifa and BLM radicals that burned federal properties, killed people, assaulted people, burned and destroyed whole neighborhoods, robbed banks and on and on. Police, the Feds, heck, everyone knew who these chuckleheads are/were but few and minimal sentences if convicted.

  2. Nothing will be done. All the charges will get dropped. There is a double standard. Conservative? Throw the book at them and make up charges and use every loophole or vaguity in the law (and there are lots) in creative ways to railroad people. Liberals? Well, the system works for them. They've been allowed to attack people, even police officers, take over parts of cities, throw bottles and rocks at police cars, assault federal court houses and generally riot, loot and burn cities. Liberal politicians, politically appointed Police Chiefs , prosecutors and judges have their backs. And it is like the "Stockholm Syndrome" where the abused citizens and taxpayers in blue controlled areas keep voting against their best interests and re-electing these scumbags.


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