29 November 2023

It Keeps Coming Up

How much ammo are you packing?

Can your gun fire that many shots without malfunctioning?

If yes: then your gun is reliable enough.

Is that number of rounds smaller than the most shots ever fired in a gun fight?


Is it more than the number of rounds fired in nearly all gun fights?


"Wait!" you say, "Thag doesn't know how many rounds I'm packing."

That's because most gun fights use the ammo in the gun, no reloading.

Should you carry more ammo?


Should you insure your car for a thousand times its value?


It's playing the odds.

There's a cop who's carrying more than a hundred rounds every day.  More than triple the number of rounds he was carrying the day he had a gun fight.  He gets cited by gun writers all the time.

Do you need to carry 147 rounds, like he does?

Probably not.

Cops, by the nature of their jobs are going to be encountering more people who want to shoot them than you or I.  At least, that's my goal.


  1. It is a balance between want and practicality. Love to carry a full loadout of gear, but, seriously, that would suck for most occasions. Practical is a pistol and maybe an extra mag or two, if one has a pistol that holds 10 or more rounds.

    And, of course, the more ammo/mags you carry, the less chance you'll not scream "I'm concealed carrying here."

    There is a balance.

    And, of course, there's the other side of the issue. If you need to load up to go somewhere, why are you going there? I'd much rather go someplace where I anticipate carrying gun and one mag than a place where I need to carry a brace of pistoles and magazines. Ideally I'd rather go someplace that I don't need a gun at all, but those places are getting more and more scarce every day.

  2. edc if carrying my G17 I have 52 bagrnds... if I'm carrying my G43X I have 21... need to get me a couple more mags for it... sometimes I carry both, depends on what is going on...panzer guy... when I worked the street, I carried a G22 so I had 46 on me and another 2 mags in my bail out bag...panzer guy


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