29 November 2023

How Many Again

The next thing that keeps coming up is the number of weapons you need to be packing with you.

Your main pistol.

A back up.

A fixed blade knife.

A locking folding knife.

Some add even more to this.

This is added to testing that makes a list of pistols which can fire 2,000 rounds without cleaning or maintenance.

So, which is it?

That gun the gunwriter is recommending is so reliable that I don't need a spare.


That gun is so sketchy that I'd better have two guns because it's going to fail.


Those guns are so sketchy that I need to supplement them with melee weapons?

Again, are we preparing for a likely scenario or something that's akin to winning the lottery by the odds?

I've also noticed that the advocates of packing this much shit live someplace that has Florida spring temperatures for their summer.

You can wear a lot more clothes in that kind of weather than you can survive wearing in Florida summers.

The goal is still to survive, right?

Two pistols and a brace of knives to win the gun fight, but die from heat stroke seems a poor plan.


  1. Maybe I'm the strange edge case, but I typically have "several" knives... But they're tools for the most part. Not typically carrying more than the one pistol however, but North Texas does get pretty warm...

  2. I carry 3-4, but one of those is a stupid key knife my wife gave me (which is great for cleaning nails and opening envelopes) and one of those plastic cards that folds into a knife handle knife thingy which is great for cutting out coupons or slicing open other things, and a small knife, and then one folder off and on depending on if I'm being clutzy and losing things again.

    Guns? I can see carrying one, with extra mags. Any more and why are you going there? Rather carry a carbine or shotgun because if I need two pistols that's telling me that I really need a carbine or a shotgun.

    Seriously, I am rotund and I can't imagine where on my fat t-shirt and cargo-shorts and sandals body I could hide more than one gun. Damn I wish we got full Constitutional Open Carry here in Florida.


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