17 November 2023

It's "Won't"

San Francisco proved to be more than able to clean up the homeless / druggie situation for when Winnie The Poo came to visit Governor Newsom.

I'm old enough to remember when they sat on their hands saying they couldn't do anything because their hands were tied by the courts and the law.

Just one more thing they're lying about.

Or creating a truth that makes the lie.


  1. Liberal politicians lie??? Say it ain't so. I mean it isn't like ANY politicians are particularly honest and trustworthy... but generally for the most part you can believe conservatives will tell you like it is more than liberals. You may not always LIKE what they say, but usually they aren't just plan full of BS the way most libtards are. Anyway, the mask is off as far as liberals trying to pretend not to be Maoists when you see how much they kiss Xi's pasty buttocks.

  2. Part of the problem with dealing with the homeless is lawfare. Try getting them off the streets and the ACLU will come a-running, with lawsuits bristling.

    1. That's why a temporary cleanup can happen. Groups like ACLU can be temporarily pacified or silenced if need be for the "greater good". Plus groups like ACLU are largely (depite the fact that it in the end totally runs counter to actual civil liberties) in favor of the one-world-government modelled after the USSR and CCP that the left is working so hard to force into place.


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