20 November 2023


If you start a war and it suddenly doesn't go your way, in a big way, the time honored procedure is to surrender.

Because, "suddenly not going your way in a big way," is another way to phrase, "you done lost."

Demanding the other side stop kicking your ass so you can get your shit together and reverse the fortunes shouldn't be afforded to you; otherwise you're not going to learn to stop starting wars.

If you can't figure out you've lost, there's also a procedure hallowed by time.

It's called destruction in detail.

It makes you unable to start another war for a good long time.

I think the smarter people reading this can figure out the parties I'm referring to and which side has every right to proceed to the destruction in detail phase without pause.


  1. Something something capacity something something war.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Time for a Carthaginian solution. Kill those that need killing, knock it all down and plow the land with salt. Historically, that worked well. Proof - no more nonsense from the Carthaginians.


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