30 November 2023

Bite Me Hank

Considering we're still dealing with one of Henry Kissinger's biggest mistakes, forgive me if I leave the flag at full mast tomorrow.

Never mind letting Rhodesia hang out to dry so fucking Communists could take the place over just to placate white guilt.


  1. Talk about someone with millions of people's blood on their hands.

    Never understood what good people ever saw in Kissinger. He was very much a diplomatic version of Bobby McNamara. In other words, he sounded good but everything he touched turned to poop.

  2. My observation when I heard the news was that Kissinger is now in his rightful place next to Margaret Thatcher.
    On the other hand I do mourn the passing of Shane McGowan of The Pogues.

  3. Which mistake was this? There are so many to choose from.


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