22 November 2023

Boom! Headshot

Let's all get maudlin about some dead president because it's been an even number of decades since he got his brains blown out.

He was dead before I was born, so I never really got a chance to buy into the aura of JFK.

Some of the shine was tarnished by the antics of his little brother.

The rest is corroded by the conspiracy theorists.

There are only two believable scenarios.

A.  Oswald did it alone.  This is our Occam's Razor theory.  It fits all the facts and is simplest.  His attempt on General Walker is an indicator.

B.  The mafia had him rubbed out.

Those are the only two cases where absolutely nobody would have come forward in the intervening sixty years spilling the truth and revealing other conspirators.

The fucking CIA does not, would not and cannot keep their mouths shut that long.

Nor can any other US government agency.


  1. Here's some appropriate music for today:


  2. Everyone also makes fun of the plucky Italian rifle because it wasn't much good past 500 yards, and sucked in long-distance fire in the North African desert during WWII (but performed admirably in the more cluttered and close distances in actual Italy where it was designed for.)

    Heck, the stupid tv series "Bones" even did an episode and the steely-eyed FBI agent was easily able to fire 3 rounds within the time at the proper distance using a Carcano. Yeah, Hollywood, but... lots of other people with not as much training as Oswald have been able to repeat the same type of shooting necessary (minus actual people, of course.)

    Slow moving vehicle, open visibility, big assed target, how difficult was it for someone trained in deer hunting and rifle shooting by the USMC (and possibly sharpshooting during his time in the USSR before he 'got over the USSR' and came back?)

    1. I've got a couple Carcanos and they're unfairly maligned. They're a serviceable rifle and there is no technical reason why a military trained rifleman like Oswald couldn't have pulled off those shots from where he was at.

    2. They are, like the M1 Carbine, as you said, greatly maligned and are great woods gun or truck gun.

  3. One theory that I like is that LBJ talked JFK into going to Dallas in the hope that something like that would happen. It's mostly forgotten now in the wake of The Martyrdom, but at the time, LBJ was in a LOT of hot water. If JFK had lived, LBJ might have been forced from office, or even imprisoned, over the Bobby Baker affair. LBJ would have known for sure that there were a lot of people in Dallas who hated JFK's guts and would not mind a shot at him.


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