01 August 2018

I Will Tell You What

I am sick of being in pain and having nobody giving a fuck.

If it weren't for phantom limb, I'd have chopped off the offending appendages by now...


  1. Have you tried a mix of Gabapentin and Lyrica, with a little opiate on the side? Seems to be the mix my wife's pain doc (who is a good one, not a pill pusher) is prescribing. He's finding a lot of his patients are able to reduce their opiates with the Lyrica. And it tends to help knock down the flaming spiders with jackhammer feelings. Hope this helps.

    1. Gabapentin is the Devil! It makes me wanna kill myself at a trivial dosage.

      Opiates make me feel awful, but they do hit the pain. Which don't matter because I'm in Florida where you can't get more than a 3-day supply PLUS the VA makes you take numerous piss-tests to make sure you're taking it. It's like they think my time is worthless.

    2. Well, you can't get a more than a 3-day opiate supply unless you have a pain-management doctor which apparently from what I hear the VA sucks at. Like people in the military never end up needing a pm doctor.

      Try the Lyrica. It might help. Hope something does.

  2. I feel for you. I'd help you if I could, but there's nothing I can do. As for problems getting PM medication, that's an ongoing problem across the country. Thank the War on Drugs for that. A lot of people in this country apparently sit up at night, quaking in fear that someone, somewhere, might be getting high.


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