13 November 2019

Alcohol Was Involved

Reading Mr Garabaldi's post on visiting East Berlin.

Yup!  What he said.

I went to East Berlin too.

At the time I didn't collect souvenirs or take pictures.

The trip to Berlin blurs with time and gets lost among other things going on with some very busy months with lots of travel, some official, some recreational.

There was a lot of drinking in here, some drinking to forget...

When you drink to forget; you often forget stuff you wanted to remember too.

For instance:  I don't remember there being TWO checkpoints on the autobahn between West Germany and Berlin.

I do remember Fred being cheeky and surreptitiously dropping a carton of Marlboro's on the ground as we closed the doors of his Golf and drove off.  I remember freaking out that we were going to get arrested and sent to Siberia.  Nothing came of it.

Today I don't remember if that was the first or second checkpoint or even if it was on the way to or from Berlin.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angus;

    Yep there were 2 of them, the first one was "check point "Alpha" on the Berlin Autobahn, and the "Checkpoint Bravo was entering West Berlin" and of course Check point Charlie was the famous one. The Soviets had 2 checkpoints one in Magneburg I think and the 2nd one was in Potsdam. I enjoyed the city and the things that I have seen.


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