20 November 2019

Military Working Raptors

I finally decided to watch Jurassic World.

The scheme to weaponize the Utahraptor Ostrommaysi is only considered insane because the bad guy is so obviously the bad guy he should have a top hat and a mustache to twirl while laughing maniacally.

Considering how damned scary military dogs like Belgian Malinois are, just think of how a raptor would be received.

The critters in Jurassic park/world are definitely smarter and more coordinated than a real one would have been.

Now I simply must make a character from a world that has them!


  1. Considering how may 'pet' tigers live in the USA, I'm just waiting for some PD to have their own trained one.

    "Come out or we're sending the tiger in!" "Wait, What? AAAGGGGHHHHHH...."

    1. Is this LivePD or Calvin and Hobbes? Either way hilarity ensues.


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