22 November 2019

Oh Thank The Gods!

Classic has sold out of their "very-good to excellent" Polish Tokarev pistols (C&R eligible).

I am saved!

Getting a Polish Tokarev would have meant scouring the world for a P83 Wanad.

Lord knows what it would take to lay hands on an WIST-94 or FB MAG; though these guns aren't T2K canonical.

1 comment:

  1. I've got a couple of the circle 11 Tokarevs. The ones I've got were in basically new condition when I got them. They are absolutely things of beauty. I've also got a couple Romanian Tokarevs and a Norinco. Those are also nice, but pale in comparison to the Polish. The Poles, in my opinion got a short deal in reputation. Their finish and handwork is shockingly good compared to other combloc countries.


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