28 November 2019


Today is Thanksgiving Day in the USA.

I'm thankful to have been born in the US, still the best place to be even with all our problems.

I'm thankful for what family still talks to me.

I'm thankful that the rest of my family doesn't.

I'm thankful for a roof over my head.

I'm thankful for food in my belly.

I'm thankful that my pyramid of needs is more concerned with Legos than base survival.

I'm thankful for some of the best friends in the whole world.  Geff, JT, Marv and Willard in particular; but there's no slight if you're unnamed.

I'm thankful for the readers of this blog.



  1. Hey Angus;

    Happy Thanksgiving from me and my family to you and yours.

  2. Thankful for blogs like yours.

    And especially thankful for you and your reasoned discourse on gun-stuff.


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