14 November 2019


1/3 of Americans avoid places where they think there might be a mass shooting.

Reading their list I realized that I've been avoiding the same places.

I simply don't like being in crowds.

I also noticed that many of the events listed are also, normally, gun-free zones.

I avoid those too.

Still, getting shot at (let alone hit or killed) in a mass shooting is so unlikely as to be statistical noise on the big list of things that killed you.

Complications from constipation kill more people every year.  Look it up!  It's true!


  1. I generally try to avoid places that post 30.06 or otherwise are designated victim areas. But I really don't worry about mass shootings as much as I worry about crossing the street downtown. The Cap Metro bus drivers are crazy mofos.

  2. Hey Angus;

    I avoid places where crowds congregate partially because of possibility of violence and I flat out don't like crowds and it don't help that a lot of places are "Gun free Zones". I am sure that I miss out on some social events but I won't change.

  3. I don't care much for crowds. Mass shootings don't really even make my radar, as I know they are rare. I worry more about pickpockets, disease carriers (including cold and flu), and body odor.

    If I am going to be accosted by anyone, it would more likely be in the parking lot on the way to or from my vehicle.

  4. While I tend to not frequent most of these places myself, it's not because of fear. I just simply don't have any desire to go to any of those places more than 2 or 3 times a year. The only exception would be school and I am only there to see my kids or their teachers.

    One thing I have noticed lately is the exceptionally small sample sizes that pollsters are using to represent the US as a whole. In the article linked, 2,017 respondents is roughly 0.000006% of the population, and they extrapolate that out to be 1/3 of 300,000,000+ Americans.

  5. You are much more at risk of death from a heart attack from pooping (really, pooping, not just constipation...) than any non-self-inflicted firearm death.

    You see, there's this nerve that runs up the pooper that somehow effects your heart.

    And Epstein didn't kill himself.


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