02 November 2019

HB723 Heading To Committee

This is Constitutional Carry for Florida.

It's been referred to (links show memberships, light 'em up!):

The Criminal Justice Subcommittee.

The Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriation Subcommittee.

The Judiciary Committee.

It's possible to bring a win from this, but we have to let them know we support this bill, and bills like it, and the congress creatures who vote for it.

They have to know we know who they are and will remember them come voting time, especially if they have eyes on a higher office when they term-limit out.

By the way, if you're not going to help: Why don't you shut up and get out of our way?

What that means:

If you're not going to bother to write, call or visit your congress creature's local office: don't complain that others don't.

If you're not going to bother to write, call or visit your congress creature's Tallahassee office: don't complain that others don't.

If you're not going to bother to go to the rally: don't complain that others don't.

If you're not going to bother to attend the committee meetings: don't complain that others don't.

If you're a do-nothing complainer, then you don't get to complain that others are following your example.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't mention anyone by name, but if you think I'm talking about you... Why is your conscience guilty?


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