10 November 2019

That's A Whopper!

Applying an insulting and derogatory label to someone you disagree with is a form of "othering".

Beware of anyone who's go-to method of debating is to resort to "othering."

Once someone is "othered" it's far too easy to justify doing horrible things to them, after all, an "other" isn't a person are they?

If you find yourself using the phrase "Open Carry Idiot", congratulations you're in some "savory" company.

Company that rounded people up and systematically murdered them.

It didn't start with murders, it eased into it slowly and over time.

If someone is othering you, they're also saying that they're OK if you're dead.  They might even be willing to make it happen if you give them enough time to work up to it.

Othering is something to both avoid and be terrified of.


  1. Yep.

    Othering allows the individual to 'unhuman' the one being othered. Easier to shoot a 'vicious Hun' in the face than shoot a fellow human being.

    And, dangit, if the NRA ever tosses Wayne, they need to hire you as their spiritual guru.

    1. I would happily do the job for 1/10 what Wayne gets paid or half of what Marion makes.

    2. Heck, I'd do it for the amount the NRA pays Wayne for his wardrobe.

    3. I wouldn't want the job just because you'd probably have to live in the DC area. That would be a no.

  2. https://www.amazon.com/Why-Hate-Jr-Rush-Dozier/dp/0809224798


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