26 February 2023

Confirmed My Bias

There's hardly a thing on YouTube that's worth wasting more than 40 minutes with.

Especially what amounts to a podcast of two or more Youtubers (a form of dancing monkey to be sure) babbling about whatever they're on about.  Even more so if it's a live stream.

Even, or perhaps especially, if they put out good content alone.

I feel like I've listened to enough of them now to just skip over.


  1. I avoid YT like the plague. I would much rather read an article or a how to than sit there while somebody stumbles through it.
    Unfortunately, nearly any time I search for a review or a how-to, the first several results are videos, so finding something useful is a pain...

    1. I have screamed at the screen, more than once, "GET ON WITH IT!" With the how-to vids.

      I don't need you to explain to me WHY I need to know how to do this. I figured that out on my own in the process of deciding I needed to do learn how.

  2. With the yousetubs, I watch the videos with the sound off and with CC on, and usually at 2X speed. If the words are big, I drop it down to 1.5X. I'll rewind a bit and slow it down for really interesting portions of the video, like machining and stuff, but time is too short to have to listen to too much 'jaw, jaw.'

  3. I think the only longer content I actually listen to are the "Black Pants Legion" BattleTech things... But that's a game system I've been playing since the 80's and there is a lot of "history" there... Well, that and Mr. Tex being the voice of the content... Well, it's for charity and absolutely not "monetized"...

  4. I find a lot of good worthwhile content on Uboob. For entertainment Taofledermaus is a good one. Lately I've been watching a lot of good informative channels on precision reloading, ballistics, and long range shooting. Hornady has an excellent series on ballistics As for the how-to videos, it's really easy to skip past the useless crap and advertising at the beginning so it's no big deal to me.


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