19 February 2023

Just Step Into The Light Already

I am so sick of hearing about Jimmy Carter.

I have been sick of hearing about Jimmy Carter LITERALLY for decades.

It's bad enough he was a poor president, it's that he inspired a "hold my beer" movement to be worse.

Once he finally croaks, he can fade into obscurity and be remembered for the malaise he led and for being the person that got America fed up enough with the establishment to elect an actor of all things to right the ship of state.

If only the Reagan administration had not made so many concessions to the welfare grift to get the Cold War funded and won.


  1. The most irritating thing about Carter (and the Carter center) is that in addition to the Habitat for Humanity stuff he did on the side (probably the only good thing), he went all over the world, watching and reporting on the integrity (or lack thereof) of elections....while not giving ONE SHIT about the corruption in the US. Just the ballot access laws that keep candidates off ballots are clear violations of the Copenhagen agreement the US signed onto regarding election integrity. In the state of GA, the ballot access hurdles are so high, that NO 3rd party candidate has been able to quality for a US House race since 1935!! And that clown was a Socialist Party candidate, so obviously they didn't need to run anyone again as the two major parties had their entire platform embedded in theirs. And obviously what went on in 2020 and 2022 would make 3rd world dictators proud.

    1. Making an exception to the "sign your work" rule for this comment. Commenter, don't get used to this.

  2. Hey Angus;

    yeah, Jimmy Carter started "Nanny State 1.0" and he got elected because Gerald Ford had pardoned Nixon and he got punished for that. And Jimmy put all those those "big government types" in and their policies started the malaise. This started all the "anti-establishment" movies like Cannonball run, smokey and the bandit, ete,ete. and other movies and the attitude as people bucked the establishment and the gas prices and the prime rate. Unlike now, back then people didn't trust the government.

  3. Jimmy woke up every day since 1992, thanking Almighty God that Bill Clinton, Obozo, and Emperor Poopypants came along, just to nudge Carter up from being the worst president of all time.
    It's pretty much why Alabama and Arkansas are thankful for Mississippi when they rate high school graduates.


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