26 February 2023


I've tossed magic into historical settings a couple of times.

However, I tend to avoid moments where magic would have made a big difference in history, or put a handwave explanation as to why magic didn't make history come out different.


What if the GURPS magic system was in place for the French Revolution?

Or even AD&D's system.

Resurrection is possible, if you've enough money and access to the appropriate spellcasters.

Changes The Scarlet Pimpernel a bit, don't it?

1 comment:

  1. Except there are things you can do to stop a ressurection. Total mutilation and disposal of the body, like in fire, or feeding the bodies to pi gs and such.

    Though using a flesh golem spell, one could take an aristo-head and attach it to whatever body one wants. Dunno if the brain keeps the same info/management system or if you'll get something else.

    And, what one side has, most likely the otherside does too. Maybe instead of Madame Guillotine you'd have Madame Fireball. Or Madame Lighting Bolt. Or Madame Gelatinous Cubette. Madame Flesh-to-Stone followed by gravelling the past persons and using them in construction.

    Disparity in a magic/tech world occurs when one side has better magic/tech than the other. Like your Cavalry vs Indians different magic systems, and tossing in the Neandertals or whomever else has some sort of magic. Or the difference between 'Western (European)' magic and 'Eastern' or 'Ottoman/Persian' magics. Or the animalistic magics of sub-Saharan Africa. Or...


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