09 February 2023

Permitless Carry Advances

After the "would be comedic if the stakes weren't so high" circus of the Florida House Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law, and Government Operations subcommittee H543 managed to get approval to move on to the next committee meeting.

Judicial, I think.

The D side of the fence did their normal "the sky is falling, there will be blood in the streets" thing and the R side kept reminding them that nothing in the bill said anything about what they were talking about.

The anti-gun petitioners echoed "the sky is falling, there will be blood in the streets" and stressed how afraid they were about people being able to carry guns without a permit because there were lots of mass shootings in gun free zones.

Then applauded when two subcommittee members (guess which party) proposed making gun free zones more expansive.


The pro-gun petitioners, almost universally, condemned the bait-and-switch of calling this "constitutional carry" when, lacking open carry, it clearly isn't.

The R side did nothing to address their concerns.

Nor will they ever until they come to believe that they represent the voters and not the tourist industry or law enforcement organizations.

Considering the number of primary challengers being lined up, I think they might get a hint in 2024 about it.

Perhaps enough of a hint that we will get an actual constitutional carry bill instead.

Because our rights were eroded incrementally, I'll accept winning them back incrementally as long as we acknowledge that each win is but a step to recovering all our freedoms.

It's a big elephant, one bite at a time.

But just because it's a bite in the right direction, it doesn't mean I can't complain there's no salt.


  1. Best wishes.
    Now, if only the trend of primarying out the RINOs would catch on nationally.

  2. The bill wouldn't be going so far if there weren't lots and lots of clamor over full open Constitutional Carry. Yes, we'll accept permitless concealed, but we'll turn right back around and keep pushing and pushing.

    As to the tourists, one of the reasons that our tourist spots are normally safe is because of the preponderance of CCW and gun ownership. Notice the effect of crime on tourism in areas where Soros-level State Attorneys (for those not living in Florida, think State Prosecutors) and leftist sheriffs have made areas around the gun-free attractions basically gun-free and prosecution-free.

    Tell me that you're going to double down on enforcing and prosecuting actual criminals from in and around the tourist areas and I'll actually start believing that people actually care about tourists. I'm waiting (cricket sounds, cricket sounds...)


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