28 August 2019

Took A Stress Day

My plate is full and it's not getting cleared.

Waiting on a part.

Figuring out how I wanna lift the car.

Waiting on a helper for when I lift it.

Watching Dorian.

And the lawn needs mowed.


  1. In reverse order...

    Mow the yard.

    Start battening down the hatches, clean up the yard.

    You have helpers?

    Don't use exotic explosives or anything a raccoon in a business shirt and tie offers to you.

    You're always waiting on a part. The world exists to frustrate you.

    Plate? Your life is a full sideboard at a boarding house!

    (raccoon in tie refers to character in the-whiteboard.com)

    Handle it one day at a time. Hopefully weird pressure changes won't set off your damages or The Boy. (Wifely unit's brain after TBI shuts down as pressure drops, unfortunately lower spine ramps up in pain. There's never a dull moment, isn't there?)

    1. I know not to trust Roger!

      Lawn's going to be too wet for the foreseeable future.

      Two bottle jacks on the forward jack-points with the engine cradle unbolted: raising the body off the cradle is the same as lowering the cradle off the body. I just need to go get two appropriately sized jacks. UGH! More spending.

      JT has offered to spot while the jacking is done, hate to not see something getting teeter-tottery.

      Happily the part I'm missing is almost literally the last thing to get put back together.

  2. "Watching Dorian. And the lawn needs mowed."

    Same here, good luck with your preps and the family.


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