11 November 2019

Glock 45 Blue Label

$425 plus tax, title, license and background.

Normal price at Old Time Gun Shop in Hudson, $599.

I wasn't supposed to have noticed that.

I vacillated between a 17 Gen 5 and a 19 Gen 5 and finally settled on a compromise!

I put on the "medium" frame without a beaver-tail, it feels about right.

Glock 45 vs .45 Glock!

Glock 45 vs Glock 17.

It comes apart like every other Glock:

But there's a LOT more springs in the recoil spring!

Because everything is about GURPS:

The Glock 45 gives up a point of damage vs the 17 and some range with the same everything else.

It's 0.1 lb. heavier with 0.1 lb. heavier magazines which hold two more rounds vs the Glock 19.


  1. It should get points for a better grip, light rail, and front slide sererrations.

    That being said it will run with all Glock 17 mags, but if you flip the slide release it will only run Gen 4 or Gen 5 mags


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